

Benefits of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom 


Benefits of Project-Based Learning in the Classroom 


For many students, learning conjures up images of boring lectures, memorizing minute details, and exams. Real learning, however, should stimulate the mind as it stirs the imagination.  To entirely engage students, teachers must design lessons that invite students to explore, inquire, and collaborate.  Designing lessons that meet these requirements and appeal to the students' natural interests, is called project-based learning and the benefits to students can be immense if done correctly.  

As students enter the working world of adults, they will realize that to be successful they will need to possess problem-solving skills and be able to work in a team.  Those who can identify and solve problems, efficiently organize tasks, and communicate clearly and effectively, will be at the top of their game.  

Through project-based learning, students develop essential skills that will translate to university and the workplace, including critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. 

Critical Thinking: 

 Through participating in project-based learning, students will significantly improve their critical thinking skills.  They will be able to solve problems by looking at issues, breaking them down, and creating solutions via debate and teamwork. 

Often people misunderstand leadership as someone who simply delegates.  In contrast, leaders are critical thinkers who know how to investigate, analyze, listen, and deliberate using their logic.  Employers are looking for people who can think critically and add innovative ideas to their companies.  


Communicating Effectively: 

Project-based learning focuses on real-world issues and students get to practice their communication skills, especially when discussing the issues as a team. 

Students identify and define objectives and create a course of action to present their research to the class.  Working in a group, students identify each other’s strengths and weaknesses and then create clearly defined roles.  Through communication, students build trust and ease tensions and everyone on the team gets a chance to contribute.  Students also get their first taste of public speaking as the group’s research findings are often presented to the rest of the class.   


Teamwork and Collaboration: 

Students are offered a safe environment where collaboration is essential.  While students can sometimes be cruel to others, project-based learning fosters a sense of team ownership as opposed to individual ownership instilling the necessity for all students in the group to succeed.  This directly transfers to the workforce as companies do not look for employees who are not team players.  Learning respect and collaboration through project-based learning is an essential life skill. 


This week, students from the Techinical Presentation course presented a marketing plan for AIU to their peers which required project-based learning, utilizing all of the skills mentioned above.

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