

AT THE VIOLET HOUR - An Art Exhibition at AIU

It is not often that an institution can play host to an award-winning visual artist and to host two is something quite remarkable.  The campus of AIU was the location of three large-scale art installations put on by acclaimed visual artist, Kate Daudy and Nobel Prize-winning physicist and visual artist, Kostya Novoselov.  Together the pair presented ‘At the Violet Hour’ a collection of installations featuring the exhibits, ‘All You Had to Do Was Stay’, ‘The Evolution Project’, and ‘Anything Can Happen’. AIU students and faculty from the School of Architecture and Design took part in the memorable experience of setting up the installations during which they interacted at length with the artists.  Daudy and Novoselov spoke to a full auditorium about their collaborations and the overarching theme of connectedness and peace.  


The fact that people from all walks of life from all over the world are somehow all related and humans should treat one another with peace was one that resonated with all of those in attendance.  During the VIP opening, dignitaries from Saudi Arabia, the United States of America, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Korea, to name a few, were able to converse with the artists and exchange ideas.  The artists led the gusts around campus, explaining in detail, their exhibits which made for a joyous and momentous event, one the AIU community and Kuwait will surely never forget.  AIU looks forward to hosting more academic and culturally relevant events on its campus soon as it strives to be the beacon of culture, art, and learning in Kuwait. 


View more images from the event below 

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