

Ambassador Jamal Al Nasafi Inspires the Next Generation of Leaders at AIU 



Learning outside of the classroom is crucial for students to expand on their previously learned knowledge.  Hosting visiting artists, motivational speakers, experts in their fields, and distinguished dignitaries is one way AIU meets their students’ educational needs. This week Ambassador Jamal Al Nasfi visited students from Dr. Yasmine Hasnaoui’s Political Science class.  This interaction afforded her students an opportunity to engage with the ambassador on a personal level and learn from his many years of valuable experience.   

Jamal Al Nasafi graduated from Kuwait University with a degree in political science and economics and went on to get his master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy from Schiller International University in Paris. Mr. Al Nasafi formerly served as the Ambassador and Commissioner for Kuwait in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Republic of Indonesia; in addition, he served as a non-resident Accredited Ambassador in Singapore. 

The theme of Ambassador Al Nasafi’s lecture was choosing one’s major wisely.  The ambassador urged the students in attendance to “concentrate on your major, not your job.”, as many students today are too focused on finding their dream job.  Instead, young people should gain as much knowledge as possible on a wide range of information then let the “dream job” happen organically.  Studying for a specific job limits one’s growth potential as they lack a broad set of knowledge and skills. Mr. Al Nasfi said, “work for your life, don’t work for your job.”  Words of wisdom from someone with a long and illustrious career.   

After the lecture, an engaging question and answer session ensued between the students and the Ambassador.  One student asked, “Are there any ethical requirements to being an ambassador?”  Al Nasfi replied by saying, “That someone’s thoughts and beliefs must be those of respect for other countries’ values and beliefs. Live globally and be open minded and others will respect you, therefore trusting you to always do the right thing.   

In addition to serving as ambassador, Mr. Al Nasafi has participated in several international conferences including The Multilateral Paris Peace Conference, The Chemical Weapons Conference, The Arab - European Dialogue Conference, The Conference on Economic Development in the Middle East Peace Process and The Ministerial Preparatory Meeting of the World Summit on Sustainable Development Progress in Bali, Indonesia. 



‘This visit of the Ambassador is significantly important to AIU as it elaborates the important academic and intellectual role the University has in Kuwait and the region.  The ambassador`s talk inspired a new generation of leaders, our students!  We could see that through their engagement and exchanges with the Ambassador’

- Dr. Yasmine Hasnaoui PhD

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