

Key Takeaways from Ramadan

As Ramadan comes to an end, we strive to ensure that we have learned something from this month. The key takeaways from Ramadan have always been balance, reflection, and breaking/building habits. Ramadan teaches us that too much of something – even a good thing - can be bad, which is exactly why you need balance. Whether it is a school-life balance, work-life balance, family-social life balance, you need to try your best to keep things at an equilibrium. If you feel like one aspect of your life is overwhelming, then try to focus more on the other parts of your life.

Ramadan teaches us that we must treat everyone how we wish to be treated. During Ramadan, we are encouraged to reflect on ourselves and how we were in the past year. This can be done daily after Ramadan as well. You should always reflect on your habits, behavior, and goals to become the best possible version of yourself.

Ramadan also teaches us how to break or develop habits. Building positive habits is what leads you to a healthy life. During Ramadan, when we are encouraged to be the best version of ourselves, we can break the bad habits that have built up in our lives and make way for better life choices. 

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