
Bachelor of Arts degree

Bachelor of Architecture

Bachelor of Architecture

The Architecture major at AIU in Kuwait offers a unique program developed in collaboration with the University of Miami. This program aims to address both local and global societal needs, fostering a distinctive architectural education that emphasizes diversity, creativity, and community service. AIU’s Architecture program focuses on the exploration, interpretation, and creation of physical, social, and sensory environments.

Adapted from the University of Miami’s NAAB-accredited (National Architectural Accrediting Board) School of Architecture, the program is designed to meet the specific needs of the Kuwaiti context, offering significant benefits for the education of future architects and enhancing Kuwait’s architectural landscape.

The program is a five-year professional track leading to the Bachelor of Architecture (BArch) degree, fulfilling the educational requirements for professional registration. It offers specialized architectural study through upper-level studios and electives, alongside opportunities for liberal arts exploration through elective courses.                                                                                                                                                                                            


Program Goals

  • To prepare students for professional leadership and lifelong learning in architecture, urbanism, and related fields.
  • To preserve and develop knowledge for the profession through research and practice.
  • To share knowledge locally and internationally through community service.
  • To promote building and community design goals of environmental responsibility, social equity, and economic sustainability.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to effectively use basic architectural and environmental principles in design.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to raise clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information, consider diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test alternative outcomes against relevant criteria and standards.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to read, write, speak, and listen effectively.
  • Students will demonstrate the ability to use appropriate representational media, such as traditional graphic and digital technology skills, to convey essential formal elements at each stage of the programming and design process.

98ÌÃapp can I do with my major?

Career Opportunities

  • Architect 
  • Architectural technologist 
  • Building control surveyor 
  • CAD technician 
  • Interior and spatial designer 
  • Urban designer 
  •  Jobs where your degree would be useful include: 
  • Building surveyor 
  • Site Manager/Supervisor 
  • Project Tenders Manager 
  • Construction manager 
  • Estates manager 
  • Cost Estimator 
  • Historic buildings inspector/conservation officer 
  • Landscape architect 
  • Project Manager 
  • Lighting Designer

Degree Requirements


School of Architecture and Design Requirements 

Students in the Bachelor of Architecture program must complete a minimum of 171 credits including satisfaction of all degree requirements of AIU. All coursework must be completed in accordance with the academic rules of AIU and those of the department.

General Education Requirements :  36 credits
Major Requirements:     135 credits

Total Credits Required for Degree:  171 credits

General Education Requirements

AIU’s General Education curriculum is required for all undergraduate students and consists of 36 hours of coursework from nine core areas. Students in the School of Architecture and Design must complete these specific courses to satisfy General Education requirements: 

Course Hours 

  • CSC 101 Computer Essentials (CS) 3  
  • ENG 101 College Writing (EC) 3  
  • ENG 301 Technical Writing (EC) 3  
  • ENG 302 Technical Presentations (OC) 3  
  • AIU 100   AIU Experience (EX) 1  
  • AIU 300 Internship and Career Preparation (EX) 1  
  • AIU 111 / 112 Wellness at AIU(WL) 1  
  • MAT 121 Calculus I (MA) 3  
  • PHY 120 Physics I (NS) 3  
  • ARH 202 Islamic Art & Architecture (AH) 3  
  • Introduction to Urban Design (SS) 3
  • Arts and Humanities Courses (AH) 3  
  • Natural Science Course (NS) 3
  • Social Science course (SS) 3  

Total Hours: 36 

Required Architecture Courses

Major Requirements

  • ARC 101 Architecture Design I 6  
  • ARC 102 Architecture Design II 6  
  • ARC 111 Visual Representation I 3  
  • ARC 112 Visual Representation II 3  
  • ARC 121 Architecture and Culture 1  
  • ARC 122 Architecture and Behavior 1  
  • ARC 203 Architecture Design III 6  
  • ARC 204 Architecture Design IV 6  
  • ARC 213 Visual Representation III 3 
  • CAE 213 Behavior of Structural Systems I 3  
  • ARC 223 Architecture and the Environment 1  
  • ARC 230 Building Technology I: Materials and Methods 3  
  • ARC 231 Building Technology II: Structural Systems 3  
  • ARC 267 History of Architecture I: Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance 3  
  • ARC 268 History of Architecture II: Baroque through Contemporary 3  
  • ARC 305 Architecture Design V 6  
  • ARC 306 Architecture Design VI 6  
  • ARC 362 Environmental Building Systems I 3  
  • ARC 363 Environmental Building Systems II 3  
  • ARC 371 Vernacular Architecture 3 
  • CAE 313 Behavior of Structural Systems II 3  
  • ARC 407 Architecture Design VII 6  
  • ARC 408 Architecture Design VIII 6  
  • ARC 452 Management of Professional Practice 4  
  • ARC 509 Architecture Design IX 6  
  • ARC 510 Architecture Design X 6  
  • ARC 400 Construction Documents 3 
  • ARC 200 Interior Architecture Design3 
  • ARC 559 Sustainability and LEED Exam Prep. 1 
  • ARC 549 Construction and Project Management 3 
  • ARC 490 Internship 3  
  • Architecture Electives 12  
  • School of Architecture and Design Elective 3  
  • ARC History Elective 3  

Total Hours: 135

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